Public Profile

Oh Captain

member since November 11, 2008


My name is Morgan.

I have no talent for drawing, hopefully though I make up for this distinct lack of physical ability with wit and humor. Well see how that goes. I help write Carcinolove, which at the moment is still very much in its infancy.

The girl Im in love with happens to draw the comic, so it is a pretty sweet deal overall I gotta say. (if only I could get paid to do it, that would be the hat trick.)

I love art of all kinds! Im a musician by nature and I am addicted to certain Web comics and Manga. Please…. just hold me.

I dont know what else to put here. Thanks for reading this far, I hope you found what you were looking for.

Comics By Oh Captain

No comics.

Comics Assisted By Oh Captain

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Oh Captain

Meet K. She likes to shop, watch TV and smoke cigarettes. And God hates her. Lucky her.

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

It's Niego.

The Gods of Arr-Kelaan were mortal once. Now each one is learning the limitations - and lack therof - of their newfound positions as gods. CURRENT STORY "Consequences": New gods learn about their powers, and deal with ancient pantheons. Fun!

Oh Captain's friends

  • Ironscarfs Ghost
  • Stuzoink
  • Volte6
  • amanda
  • discolemon
  • The Real Macabre
  • Mushroomcomix
  • Aghammer
  • Carcinolove

forum topics started

Videos Shared By Oh Captain

No videos.




Ironscarfs Ghost at 1:53PM, Dec. 6, 2008

Thanks for the add Captain Morgan: sunk a bottle or two of that stuff in my time - the memories come flooding back. I feel queasy. Nice work (the comic I mean!)

Mushroomcomix at 10:52AM, Dec. 6, 2008

Thanks for the add!

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